Projects Selected for the Antalya Film Forum Pitching Platforms Announced

The projects chosen for the Feature Films, Sümer Tilmaç Antalya Film Support Fund, and Series/Short Series Pitching Platforms of the Antalya Film Forum, which is the co-production market and project development platform of the 60th Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival, hosted by the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality between October 7-14, have been officially revealed.

The Antalya Film Forum is scheduled to take place in Antalya between October 8-10, followed by an online component between October 10-12. This year, 68 projects applied for the Feature Films in Development Pitching Platform, 6 projects for themer Tilmaç Antalya Film Support Fund Pitching Platform, and 75 projects for the Series/Short Series Pitching Platform at the Antalya Film Forum.

Eight projects will compete in the Pitching for Feature Films in Development Platform!

The selection committee, comprised of director and producer Ekin Çalışır, director-screenwriter Elif Refiğ, and Head of Creative Europe Media Office Bulgaria Kamen Balkanski, has chosen the eight projects that will compete in the Feature Fiction Pitching Platform.

Dump of Untitled Pieces (director: Melik Kuru, producer Hilal Şenel); History of Enchantment (director: Tilbe Cana İnan, producer: Aycan Aluçlu); I Recognized Him by His Hands (director: Ömer Çapoğlu, producers: Nadir Öperli, İrem Akbal, co-producer: Ahmet Rıfat Şungar); Principe (director: Paolo Ferrante, producers: Alican Acar, Canberk Emre İpek); The Hunchback (director: Ahu Öztürk, producer: Nazlı Pınar Aydın); The Most Beautiful Girl in Mardin (director: Ali Kemal Güven, producer: Seda Özkaraca); and Wuf (director: Özcan Alper, producers: Kanat Doğramacı, Soner Alper, co-producer: Betal Özay); Young Blood (director: Ahmet Emre Tanyıldız, producer: Kerem Altuğ were selected for the platform.

In the Pitching for Feature Films in Development Platform, each of the two projects selected by the main jury will receive an award of TL 50 thousand. Furthermore, one project will be granted the Film Standartları Post Production Award, and another project will receive Filmarka Equipment Support.

Three projects will compete in the Sümer Tilmaç Antalya Film Support Fund Pitching Platform!

The projects that applied to the mer Tilmaç Antalya Film Support Fund Pitching Platform, which aims to transform Antalya into a significant center for the Turkish and global film industry, with the condition that at least two-thirds of the filming occurs in Antalya, underwent evaluation by director-screenwriter Abdurrahman Öner, director-screenwriter Burcu Aykar, and director-screenwriter Çiğdem Vitrinel.

Bad Man (director: Kayhan Başoğlu, screenwriters: Kayhan Başoğlu, Farid Hasanov, producer: Levent Özel), Eigengrau (director, screenwriter, and producer: Ahmet Küçükkayalı, co-producers: Selma Babajic, Ulrich Kunz), and Let's Not Sleep Early (director and screenwriter: Aytaç Uzun, producer: Onur Akkız) will be evaluated by the main jury, competing for the TL 200 thousand prize at the mer Tilmaç Antalya Film Support Fund Pitching Platform. The selected film will also receive the Fono Film Post-Production Award presented by Fono Film.

Five projects will compete in the Series/Short Series Pitching Platform!

Five projects have been chosen for the Series/Short Series Pitching Platform of Antalya Film Forum. Given the growing significance of series in the sector, the platform was created to encourage original and innovative content and to introduce new talent to the industry.

The selection committee, consisting of Arya Su Altıoklar, Türkiye Manager of Netflix Grow Creative team, Fredrik af Malmborg, CEO at Eccho Rights, and director and screenwriter Tunç Şahin, has chosen the following projects: Azize and Adsız (creators: Erdal Rahmi Hanay, Nejat Cihan Yurdaün, director: Erdal Rahmi Hanay, producers: Ousama Rawi, Dalya Sulaiman); Bohemian Cats (creators: Sinan Yusufoğlu, Mahmut Fazıl Çoşkun, director: Mahmut Fazıl Çoşkun, producers: Sinan Yusufoğlu, Mahmut Fazıl Çoşkun); High Court (creators: Yusuf Emirdar, Uğur Karaman, producer: Oğuzhan Akalın); Infamous Culprit (creator: Ozan Sertdemir, producer: Burak Varlık); and Spider (creators: Doğuş Algün, Kayra Babalık, director: Doğuş Algün, producer: Burak Kaplan).

Netflix will once again oversee the main prize of the Series/Short Series Pitching Platform this year. The TL 150 thousand main prize will be presented through the Grow Creative program, Netflix's initiative to expand and enhance the talent pool in the TV series and film industry. Furthermore, one project will receive the Netflix Series-Lab Program Participation Award, which supports creators looking to develop their careers in series writing through hands-on training during content development. Another project on the platform will secure the Color Up Color Grading Award.

The 60th Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival is chaired by the Mayor of Antalya, Muhittin Böcek, and executive directed by Cansel Tuncer, while Ahmet Boyacıoğlu takes on the role of Festival director and Başak Emre of artistic director. The Antalya Film Forum is co-directed by Armağan Lale and Pınar Evrenosoğlu.


Pitching for Feature Films in Development

Dump of Untitled Pieces / İsimsiz Eserler Mezarlığı
Director: Melik Kuru
Producer: Hilal Şenel

History of Enchantment / Teslimiyetin Tarihi
Director: Tilbe Cana İnan
Producer: Aycan Aluçlu

I Recognized Him by His Hands / Onu Ellerinden Tanıdım
Director: Ömer Çapoğlu
Producers: Nadir Öperli, İrem Akbal
Co-producer: Ahmet Rıfat Şungar

Director: Paolo Ferrante
Producers: Alican Acar, Canberk Emre İpek

The Hunchback / Kambur
Director: Ahu Öztürk
Producer: Nazlı Pınar Aydın

The Most Beautiful Girl in Mardin / Mardinin En Güzel Kızı
Director: Ali Kemal Güven
Producer: Seda Özkaraca

Wuf / Haw
Director: Özcan Alper
Producers: Kanat Doğramacı, Soner Alper
Co-producer: Betal Özay

Young Blood / Deli Kan
Director: Ahmet Emre Tanyıldız
Producer: Kerem Altuğ

mer Tilmaç Antalya Film Support Fund Pitching Platform

Bad Man / Böbreği Ağrıyan Kötü Bir Adam
Director: Kayhan Başoğlu
Scriptwriters: Kayhan Başoğlu, Farid Hasanov
Producer: Levent Özel

Director: Ahmet Küçükkayalı
Scriptwriter: Ahmet Küçükkayalı
Producer: Ahmet Küçükkayalı
Co-producers: Selma Babajic, Ulrich Kunz

Let’s Not Sleep Early / Erken Uyumayalım
Director: Aytaç Uzun
Scriptwriter: Aytaç Uzun
Producer: Onur Akkız

Series/Short Series Pitching Platform

Azize And Adsız / Azize ve Adsız
Creators: Erdal Rahmi Hanay, Nejat Cihan Yurdaün
Director: Erdal Rahmi Hanay
Producers: Ousama Rawi, Dalya Sulaiman

Bohemian Cats / Bohem Kediler
Creators: Sinan Yusufoğlu, Mahmut Fazıl Çoşkun
Director: Mahmut Fazıl Çoşkun
Producers: Sinan Yusufoğlu, Mahmut Fazıl Çoşkun

High Court / Hayat Kadını
Creators: Yusuf Emirdar, Uğur Karaman
Producer: Oğuzhan Akalın

Infamous Culprit / Faili Meşhur
Creator: Ozan Sertdemir
Producer: Burak Varlık

Spider / Örümcek
Creators: Doğuş Algün, Kayra Babalık
Director: Doğuş Algün
Producer: Burak Kaplan